19th June 2025

Surgeons Quarter, 10 Hill Pl, Edinburgh EH8 9DS

With a series of TED-style talks and rapid-fire presentations covering the whole system of cardiac arrest care, the key themes will include community readiness, high-quality pre-hopsital Advanced Life Support, in-hospital management and the aftercare for those involved in OHCA. This is the place to be for all things out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in Scotland.

Tickets and event registration will be available in April. Watch this space.

get involved.

submit an abstract for your chance to present your poster at the event in June

Would you like to be part of SCAS25? You can get involved by submitting an abstract to present a poster at the event.

We are inviting posters on the theme of cardiac arrest, including: cardiopulmonary resuscitation, patients, families, bystanders, first responders, emergency medical services, students, new technology, inpatient medical care or aftercare.

Posters can be about the results of a research project, a research proposal or a service/quality improvement project.

Our call for poster abstracts is now open. Submit here.

Submission closes 15th April. Successful poster presenters will be contacted by 1st May.

Posters will be presented in portrait format and at least one of the authors needs to attend SCAS25. The event is free to attend.